Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Photo-journalist caught cheating!

My wife sent me that great article Ease of Alteration Creates Woes for Picture Editors from the New York Times.

It describes how a Reuter photo-journalist has merged two pictures into one changing totally the perceived meaning of the moment. I suppose the journalist was hoping that creating a new more sensational picture he will be able to sell it more or for more – instead he got sacked!

In the past many journalists got caught cheating, for instance by making up statement from sources that did not exist. Today these people will get fired and sued. However a new breed of cheats came out with the advent of digital photography. As mentioned by the New York Times finding them out will be very difficult.

This really begs the question:

Will digital photography destroy photo-journalism?


Aj said...

funny thing is, there was an episode similar to this on CSI which kind of made me think, although the manipulation is quite to obvious i dont see how Reuters did not notice it.
I think when it comes to photojournalism changing the picture could turn the whole story. Its just like telling a lie and its sad to see people would take advantage of technology to do such things.

Aj said...

funny thing is, there was an episode similar to this on CSI which kind of made me think, although the manipulation is quite to obvious i dont see how Reuters did not notice it.
I think when it comes to photojournalism changing the picture could turn the whole story. Its just like telling a lie and its sad to see people would take advantage of technology to do such things.